A Cartography and the construction of ways of seeing

Keywords: Art, Science, Cartography


Cartography and maps can be understood from the beginning as complex objects of spatial representation of the world and of the identity and culture of peoples that intertwine art, science, mathematics, physics, memory, fiction, history, geography, planning, urbanism, politics, economics, anthropology etc. The transdisciplinarity of maps was potencialized by Leonardo Da Vinci whose contribution to cartography constitutes an epistemological framework in the relationship between art and science.


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How to Cite
Queiroga de Carvalho E Sousa, S. (2019). A Cartography and the construction of ways of seeing. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 2, 9. https://doi.org/10.51919/revista_sh.v2i0.107
Historicidade de Saberes Tecnocientíficos