Marianne North lives in Virginia Woolf

Keywords: Artsci, North, Virginia Woolf, Kew Gardens


This article points to the influence of Marianne North's nineteenth-century work (1830 - 1890) on Virginia Woolf's (1882-1941) literary writing. North's narrative in both her travel diaries and over 800 botanical landscape oil paintings, housed at the Royal Kew Gardens (London, England), inspired descriptions of nature and color, aspects of interdependence and evolutionism, especially in Virginia Woolf's short stories, romances and essays. “Kew Gardens” is an example of a tale, in which the garden is scenery and character, thus questioning anthropocentrism, social rules and the complexity of human and nature. North and Woolf represent the transition between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, pointing to aspects of modernism and the role of women in the world, whether in science or the arts.



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How to Cite
Cesar de Oliveira, R. (2019). Marianne North lives in Virginia Woolf. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 2, 11.
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