Educação financeira no ensino básico

uma proposta para trabalhar o conceito de inflação em aulas de matemática

Keywords: Financial Education. Inflation. Mathematics teaching.


This work is the result of research that sought to develop the theme Financial Education in Basic Education, investigating how inflation can be studied in mathematics classes. Inflation was the choice because it has recently again affected the lives of Brazilians. The research took place in a municipal school in Duque de Caxias, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in a class of junior high school. Activities related to inflation theme are presented and the results are evaluated, as well as the repercussions that the study of this subject had among students. Additional activities are also suggested, in order to assist the math teacher interested in the insertion of Financial Education in the classroom, as part of the formation of the mathematical and financial thinking of the students.


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How to Cite
Ferreira Reis Concordido, C., Camargo Severo de Macedo, R., & Teixeira Dias, C. (2017). Educação financeira no ensino básico. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 8. Retrieved from
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