Creativity as a gift from the plant kingdom

Keywords: Knowledge, Visions, VisionaryArt, Creativity


In this study I explore the notion of creativity as a gift offered by some plants in the wide indigenous pharmacopoeia of the Amazon, especially ayahuasca. To this end, I briefly present the importance of images as a source of inspiration and knowledge for Amazonian peoples, and in this context, I situate contemporary Amazonian painting from the Peruvian artist Pablo Amaringo (1938-2009) and his legacy for art Amazonian visionary. I also present some young artists who, inspired by the knowledge of this ancestral medicine, show their creative relationship with it, expressed in their artistic productions.



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How to Cite
Villalta, D. (2017). Creativity as a gift from the plant kingdom. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 8. Retrieved from
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