The imagery of the ceramist and potter: creative productions of survival through ceramic art

Keywords: Cuture, Ceramic art, Economy, Society


Artisanal ceramic production depends on the artistic sensibility that emerges from the thought and livelihood of the native being, as well as on strategies to generate a source of income as a means of survival in communities that are traditionally poor andlacking employment, education and intermediation or connections with the technological facilities of modern life. Producing pottery is a professional activity considered subordinate within the economic and social hierarchy of these communities, since the times of slavery and colonization. By seeking to trace the life stories of the ceramic producers, their ways of working, their ambitions, their perspectives on life, one can become aware of the conceptual crossing between popular art and art considered cultured. Keywords:Culture. Ceramic art.Economy.Society.


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How to Cite
Correia Gorini, K. (2018). The imagery of the ceramist and potter: creative productions of survival through ceramic art. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 8.
Historicidade de Saberes Tecnocientíficos