My hive my life

Keywords: Ceramic. Bees. Agroforestry. Architecture. Art.


This article intends to present the interdisciplinary study carried out by the Ceramic Atelier EBA/FAU and the Agroecology and Permaculture Living Laboratory (LaVaPer) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. This research aims to create an architecture project of stingless bee houses – native species – for the agroforestry nesting in Ilha do Fundão to evolve productivities in these areas into a promotion of its atmosphere (ZUMTHOR,2006). The production of these nests is made of clay, abundant raw material in Cidade Universitária, which presents a great plastic potential to free and creative work of physical shapes and characteristics after burning, which provides easier acclimatization of colonies. Thus, we look forward to producing an object which expresses the dialogue between art and architecture, which holds functional and artistic characteristics, key points to ceramic.


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Author Biography

Yrvin Duarte, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




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How to Cite
Duarte, Y., Borde, A., Gorini, K., Correa, K., & Roxo, M. (2021). My hive my life. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 6.
Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade