Metaphilosophy after correlationism: pathways through Whitehead’s Process Philosophy

Keywords: Process philosophy, Alfred N. Whitehead, Quentin Meillassoux, Metaphilosophy, Metaphysics e Ontology


This article intends to present the problem of anthropocentrism as a touchstone of Modern Philosophy. It functions as the origin of Quentin Meillassoux’s diagnosis of philosophical correlationism as the ontological-epistemological implication of modern anthropocentrism. Equipped with these notions, we shall see how Whitehead may contribute to a metaphilosophy that does not operate under these afore-mentioned restrictions.


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How to Cite
Maciel, O. S. e R. D. (2021). Metaphilosophy after correlationism: pathways through Whitehead’s Process Philosophy. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 10.
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