A Technical proof: the animus probandi in human history

Keywords: History, Forensics, Technical proof


This article brings a little of the technical evidence history:  the origin, and development of this means of proof applied in the resolution of the most diverse civil and criminal conflicts. There is a quick walk from the application of ancient human expertise, still pre-scientific, to our times, when the technical evidence in Brazilian legislation is focused, especially in the new code of civil procedure of 2015. It was intended to demonstrate that the interest in proving the facts by means that go beyond the world of the law has been animating man since the most ancient times and that with the development of science this became necessary in the resolution.


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How to Cite
Grazinoli Garrido, R., & da Silveira Pataro Moreira, B. (2021). A Technical proof: the animus probandi in human history. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 8. https://doi.org/10.51919/revista_sh.v1i0.333
Historicidade de Saberes Tecnocientíficos