Lights, Camera, Action!

Metaphorical meta-language of a short film from the twenty years of Ato-Rede, Annual Meeting of Science, Technology & Society Studies

Keywords: Studies. Sciences. Technologies. Societies. Act-Network. Actor-Network.


Lights, Camera, Action SCENE 1: In 1984, in the no less controversial prehistory of the Atos-Rede events, a workshop was held with 30 participants at De Boerderij (“The Farm”), on the campus of the Twente University of Technology, located in Enschede, Netherlands. This meeting generated a book, bringing together a collection of articles from this workshop, published in 1987 with the title “The Social Construction of Technological Systems, a classic in the field of Science Studies”. SCENE 2: In 2002, an event called Ato-Rede 2002 was held at the AAFBB (Association of Retirees and Employees of Banco do Brasil) country club in Xerém, Duque de Caxias, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The event sought alternatives of wider spaces for the formal and informal conversations of a group of academics who lived with the narrow schedule of  meetings that took place on Thursday afternoons, in the postgraduate course MAB859-2002-2, in the incipient line of research Science, Technology & Society Studies at UFRJ. Thus began the historical series of Atos-Rede events. SCENE 3: In 2021, the historic twentieth edition of Ato-Rede was held, Ato-Rede 2021, remotely and still under the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic.


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How to Cite
Nazareth Paiva, E. (2022). Lights, Camera, Action! . Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, e346.
Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade