Art and geography, in four keys

Rocks and minerals

Keywords: Visual arts, Interdisciplinarity, Art and science


This paper aims to identifying mental operations that artists performed when observing the world, for centuries, in four different epistemological modes: representation, abstraction, geometry and appropriation. Against the backdrop of centuries of image production and reacting to the invitation of neuroaesthetics to a re-encounter with the natural world, the article makes an exercise of identifying in rocks and minerals the way in which humanity integrates artistic thinking and the enjoyment of nature, in four keys.


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Author Biography

Italo Bruno Alves, Universidade Federal Fluminense
Associate Professor at the Art Department of Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), under Exclusive Dedication Scheme. PhD in Visual Arts at the School of Fine Arts, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2001-2005), Master in Art History EBA / UFRJ (1996-1998), Bachelor of Painting (1990-1995) from EBA / UFRJ where he obtained Cum Laude Academic Dignity Diploma. At MEC, since 2004, he acts as an Undergraduate Evaluator in Visual Arts and, since 2010, as an Institutional Evaluator; having been appointed to compose and coordinate commissions for Authorization, Recognition and Renewal of Undergraduate Course Recognition in the field of Visual Arts. These designations allowed contact with the reality of public and private institutions, different socio-economic situations and political-pedagogical concepts, in several Brazilian states, both in the capitals and in the interior. As a visual artist, he participated in exhibitions at institutions such as Casa Degli Artisti (Milan), Hélio Oiticica Arts Center, National Museum of Fine Arts, Gustavo Capanema Palace (Ministry of Culture), among others. Teacher in Higher Education since 1997, teaching Visual Arts subjects in undergraduate courses in several areas, such as: Arts, Art Education, Computer Graphics, Fashion Design, Social Communication and Cultural Production. In academic administration, she worked in the Coordination of Artistic Education Course (2000-2010), Computer Graphics (2000-2005), Fashion Design (2008- 2010), Post-graduate latu-sensu in History of Modern and Contemporary Art (2009 -2010) and also at the Head of the UFF Art Department (2011-2014). In acting at UFF, in addition to the subjects taught, the participation in the Collegiate Courses of Arts and Cultural Production, in the Structural Teaching Centers for Arts and Cultural Production, stands out. He is the leader of the Art-University Research Group where he develops research in contemporary art, investigating the interfaces of this binomial, having as some of the main research products, scientific articles, published and presented at art congresses.


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How to Cite
Alves, I. B. (2023). Art and geography, in four keys. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), e387.
Epistemologia, Lógicas e Teorias da Mente