Narratological thinking as episteme of the logical-systemic code language

  • Dayara Carvalho Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: Narratological thinking . Intelligent games . Logic-math


We herein analyse the narrative thinking as a correlate of logical mathematical constructs evident through intelligent games. We propose psychomotricity articulated with children's literature as a way to create an active environment of oral, body and psychological expression for the child´s cognitive-affective integral development. An interdisciplinary team applied two intelligent games to students of elementary school in the city of Rio de Janeiro, at the National Week of Science and Technology of UFRJ, and confirmed the need for such a proposal to enable the logical-systemic narrative thinking and thereby form critical citizens who participate in a literate society.


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How to Cite
Carvalho, D. (2019). Narratological thinking as episteme of the logical-systemic code language. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 12.
Epistemologia, Lógicas e Teorias da Mente