The subject Da Vinci and his scientist becoming

Keywords: Alexandre Koyré, Renaissence, Epistemology


Leonardo da Vinci is evoked in the literature of the scientific thought by the originality and plurality of his works, and his legacy gives us news of the relationship between the researcher and his research objects. Representing the brightest minds of the Renaissance, Da Vinci drives his biographers and all those interested to the moment of transition of scientific occidental thinking between the low middle age and the modern age. It is through the Koyrerian perspective of this transition that we will emphasize his scientist becoming, valuing him as the subject of measurement, calculation, accuracy, and his uncanniness, elements that expose him at the forefront of a new language in the field of knowledge.



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References Acessado em 10 fev. 2020.

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How to Cite
Xavier Cavalcante Ferreira, K. (2019). The subject Da Vinci and his scientist becoming. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 2, 6.
Epistemologia, Lógicas e Teorias da Mente