Revisiting technological memories – observations about presented papers in the first editions of the Symposium on the History of Informatics in Latin America and the Caribbean
This paper aimed at presenting a bibliographical review of the first and second editions of the Symposium onthe History of Informatics in Latin America and the the Caribbean (SHIALC). In total, this research compiled 38 papers from seven countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Uruguay and Venezuela). We established three axes as means of organizing the research, trough which emerged some identities of the symposium, such as local experiences of technical-scientific networks, educational networks and memories from the involved social agents. We intended to contribute to the literature beyond a mere memories compilation, allowing reflections about the symposium characteristics and its contribution for a regional thinking based on local technological experiences.
SILVA, Márcia Regina Barros. Para que fazer uma história da informática. In: CARNOTA, Raúl; LEAL, Luís Germán Rodríguez. Historias de las TIC en América Latina y el Caribe: inicios, desarrollos y rupturas. Barcelona: Ariel, 2015. p.2-9.
CARNOTA, Raúl; LEAL, Luís Germán Rodríguez. Historias de las TIC en América Latina y el Caribe: inicios, desarrollos y rupturas. Barcelona: Ariel, 2015.
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