The inevitable exercise of all logics in meditation
In this article we expand the trail already covered by the character Pedro, created by the Rio de Janeiro philosopher Luiz Sérgio Coelho de Sampaio in his effort to make his Hiperdialético Logical System (SHL) more accessible. We will now show Pedro in his trajectory of practicing meditation, in which the four basic ways of being and thinking are revealed: the logic of Identity (I), the logic of difference (D), the dialectic (I / D), the systemic logic (D / 2), and another thinking synthesis of the previous ones, corresponding to hyperdialetic logic (I / D / 2). Each of these modes corresponds to a way of perceiving reality.
SAMPAIO, L.S.C. de. Lógica Ressuscitada – Sete Ensaios, Rio de Janeiro, EdUERJ, 2000.
SAMPAIO, L. S. C. de. A lógica da diferença, Rio de Janeiro, EdUERJ, 2001.
SAMPAIO, Luiz Sérgio Coelho de. O inevitável exercício cotidiano de todas as lógicas. Biblioteca Luiz Sérgio Coelho de Sampaio (blogspot). 2002. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 20 de ago. de 2018.
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