Work, Praxise, Poiesis: Working in/on Complexity

Keywords: Complexity, Work, Praxis, Edgar Morin, György Lukács


We attempt here to propose an initial approach between the ideas of Edgar Morin and some thinkers in the Marxian tradition which has influenced him, in particular the works of Lukács on the importance of Work for the constitution of the social being. We first evaluate the possibility of including Morin in the Marxian tradition through the critique of critique, i.e., by critiquing those that are pointed as essential failures in his works. We then compare and conform some different definitions of work in Morin, Lukács and Karel Kosik throuh the writings of Eleutério Prado, and finally conclude with some consideration on work in contemporary times.


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How to Cite
Ferreira, M. H., & Olivera, J. C. de. (2018). Work, Praxise, Poiesis: Working in/on Complexity. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 12.
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