The Eternal God of Change, Fractality and the Integrative Vision Helenita Sá Earp

Keywords: Helenita Sá Earp, Dance, Fractality, Impermanence


The different aspects of dance bring us a great representation of change or impermanence, however it also maintains elements that remain and reverberate in different ways, maintaining patterns of self-similarity in many of its aspects. Fractal concepts can be applied in dance by the use of patterns of randomness and repetition; however their calculation cannot be reduced to the pattern of behavior of their steps or even the music that accompanies it. It is a complex system of fractals, an organization that moves simultaneously in various dimensions of space and time, involving the body and synchrony with different movements and resonances. The recognition of fractal patterns in conjunction with the contributions of teacher. Helenita Sá Earp allow us to promote new insights for the proposal of new dance narratives.


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How to Cite
Lopez Moreno, E., & Meyer, A. (2022). The Eternal God of Change, Fractality and the Integrative Vision Helenita Sá Earp. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, e353.
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